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10.08.2010 в 17:09
Пишет ~Attack~:My Chemical Romance complete work on new album
"It's official: My Chemical Romance have completed work on the follow up to 2006's The Black Parade.
Video footage of frontman Gerard Way speaking at last month's Comic-Con convention in San Diego, California has made it online, and in the clip below, the singer says he's exited because My chemical Romance have "finished recording the album."

о Боже!!!!Спасибо тебе!!!!

URL записи"It's official: My Chemical Romance have completed work on the follow up to 2006's The Black Parade.
Video footage of frontman Gerard Way speaking at last month's Comic-Con convention in San Diego, California has made it online, and in the clip below, the singer says he's exited because My chemical Romance have "finished recording the album."

о Боже!!!!Спасибо тебе!!!!