Прочитайте, не поленитесь, получите баальшую порцию здорового смеха, мы рыдали просто

07.01.2011 в 18:34
Это я нашла vkontakte
читать дальшеJared, I saw your Las Vegas show. I really have no words anymore. You have completely lost your mind.
Please let me have the chance to express myself!
I had much respect for you and your talent for acting and making music, now I feel nothing but detestation.
I have no idea what is going wrong in your world and your mind but it is clear to me that you are totally evil.
To see you with these so called twins that are obviously real sisters that are acting like incest whores is really shocking. That has nothing to do with art. You are starting to lose your God-given talent and you are embarrassing yourself more and more.
You have totally lost your sense for real art like you used to have couples of years ago.
I can not understand and will never forgive myself that I liked and respected you once.
It is really shocking what is happening right now and there is no one in this world who can help you.
You seem to enjoy burning in hell, so be it.
After your relationship with Cameron Diaz you have lost your mind but seemed to recover til now. Something bad happend to you again and I can't watch in anymore. It is obvious to me that you are desperately seeking for someone who dearly loves you but this is the wrong way. You are losing yourself and you will never have yourself back if you dont stop now.
I think you will just laugh about my comment and simply make fun of me. I don't care, go for it, do it.
BUT trust me this day will come, when you find yourself alone and empty with no one to help you. You will remember my words but then it will be too late.
I really have enough of that asshole who have become so I'm gonna block you.
I am no longer a fan and supporter. In a sick world like ours we need people who are strong enough to face the wickedness of it and not self destructive and weak people like you are now. We need positive songs that give us hope like you used to make when you were a true artist and a lover of good music.
Maybe you have lost for hope for live.
For me you are not a real man anymore that I can respect but someone that makes me sick.
Maybe you can get off your high horse and think about my words for a while.
Do you want to be known as a man that makes/made great music and for being a true artist or just some crazy sex obsessed motherfucker, one of hundreds in C.D. line.
I have nothing more to say to you! My heart is now clear. At least at the end of the world I can tell God that I tried to help you, even though you didn't make it.
URL записиМилая Дана, жаль, что я не знаю, кто вы. Такой шедевр накатать!

апд. Спасибо, что на свете есть гугл
Источник сего выступления:
www.twitlonger.com/show/7shpnl+ почти сразу же после своей обличительной речи, обещаний заблочить и забыть человек пишет Джею письмо, в котором предупреждает об
не у тебя одной такие ассоциации)))
У меня такие же ассоциации. "Покайтесь либо вы грешны" you are totally evil. Вот оно!!!
Она ещё написала про близняшек и инцест и что-то я первый раз об этом задумалась, а ведь и в правду...
I think you will just laugh about my comment and simply make fun of me - бери выше - весь интернет =)))
Она ещё написала про близняшек и инцест и что-то я первый раз об этом задумалась, а ведь и в правду...
аналогично Оо
Жася теперь просто Люцифер
не гневите Джареда,друзья мои.
ибо Джаред вселенское зло!!!
тушка люцифера^^